Maureen's nuru or body to body massage Nairobi +254718659310

Maureen's nuru or body to body massage Nairobi +254718659310

NURU Massage also known as body to body Massage is a sensual erotic type of massage. it can also be called slippery massage as the oils are very slippery.

The massage therapist massages the client with both her hands and body and that"s why it"s considered sensual. The oils make it possible for the massage therapist to slide up and down with ease and in a more sensual manner so It doesn"t look forced.

When deciding on getting this particular massage be sure that you"re okay and comfortable with someone else being in close contact with you.

Well I"m hoping this is what you"re looking for because I"m readily available and I can come to your apartment or hotel room. I also do incalls so if at all you don"t have a place I can host you as well.

Just CALL or WhatsApp +254718659310




#nuru #bodytobody #slipperymassage #nairobi #sensual #erotic
